A Healthy Diet is Essential
for Achieving Your Personal Health Goals

This is the healthy diet puzzle.  

Anyone is capable of completing this puzzle and once all the pieces come together, the results of your hard work will be apparent.

The four pieces that make it up are not complex, but in order to find them it will take some motivation and effort on your part… Are you ready?

HOW IT WORKS:  Day-by-Day, Step-by-Step, Piece-by-Piece

The first piece of the puzzle.  Part of our job as your mentor is to advise and guide you in the right direction.  We'll be able to hit the ground running if we're on the same page.  We want to provide you with as much information as possible and the best place to begin is at Nutrition 101.  

The second piece of the puzzle.   Once we lay the groundwork for your healthy diet, we will build on that foundation and craft what will become a successful Healthy Diet Plan.  At this point, your journey is half over and, technically, it hasn't even started yet.

The third piece of the puzzle.  Its time to put your plan into action!  We offer strategies and some best practices to transform your diet as quick as possible. In addition, our hand-crafted food lists based off scientific research offer hundreds of options for your grocery shopping list and will act as the backbone for food choices.

The fourth piece of the puzzle.  Finding this piece requires a combination of mental strength and physical persistence.  This is where popular diets come up short.  They lay out a list of rules to follow and might give you some resources to start, but because they are fundamentally flawed your body struggles to adapt.

Why Do Traditional Diets Always Seem to Fail?

People generally feel worse over time with traditional diets.  We begin to bend the rules slightly, hoping this will alleviate our problems.  This is the "cheating" phase.  

Next, we start to flat out break the rules more and more often because we feel better when we do. This is the "rationalization" phase.  

Eventually we give up all together and feel guilty while in the "failure" phase.  In order to succeed, a diet must have balance, be sustainable, and make you feel better.  Period.  This is the logic behind the healthy diet puzzle.

We're here to help you make sense of it all by providing the tools, resources, and support to enable you to create a customized diet to fit your tastes and preferences.  Come take the journey with us!  Your Healthy Diet Mentor is here...

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